S.No.Scheme NameScheme CodeMinistries/DepartmentsScheme TypeLocationBenefit TypeDescription
1 Agriculture Extension AWU5S Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central In Kind The KVK scheme is being administered by the Agricultural Extension Division ICAR with the mandate of technology assessment and demonstration for its application. The activities include on farm testing, front line demonstration, capacity development of farmers and extension personnel, functioning as a knowledge and resources center of agricultural technologies, providing farm advisories using ICT and other media means on varied subject of interest to farmers. In addition, KVK would produce quality technological products (seed, planting material, bio-agent, livestock) and make available to farmers, organise frontline extension activities, identify and document selected farm innovations and ensure convergence with ongoing scheme and programmes.
2 AgEdn - Merit Cum Means Scholarship A7N6H Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash This fellowship is aimed to attract meritorious under-graduate students belonging to below poverty line families to study Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, Home Science Dairy Animal Husbandry subjects. Scholarships in these subjects are awarded annually on the basis of merit-cum-means
3 AgEdn - Post Matric Scholarship AY4IO Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash This is provided to scheduled caste and scheduled tribes students for Bachelor Degree programme in various branches of Agriculture. It was started to support the students from the weaker sections of the society
4 AgEdn - ICAR Emeritus Scientist A8MN1 Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash This scheme aims at utilizing services of outstanding superannuated scientists and teachers from NARES for supporting ongoing nationally important research, teaching specialized courses, developing quality instructional material for use in national agricultural education programme including distance education
5 AgEdn - ICAR Emeritus Professor ASM63 Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash This scheme aims at utilizing services of outstanding superannuated scientists and teachers from NARES for supporting ongoing nationally important research, teaching specialized courses, developing quality instructional material for use in national agricultural education programme including distance education
6 AgEdn - ICAR Junior Research Fellowship A4AF1 Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash For recognition of talent and promotion of merit in general, and for encouraging talented students to undertake higher agricultural education in particular, the ICAR awards Junior and Senior Research Fellowships to post-graduate (PG) students in different disciplines of agriculture and allied sciences. Every year 475 and 202 students are awarded JRF and SRF for UG and PG studies, respectively.
7 AgEdn - ICAR Senior Research Fellowship AB5OP Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash For recognition of talent and promotion of merit in general, and for encouraging talented students to undertake higher agricultural education in particular, the ICAR awards Junior and Senior Research Fellowships to post-graduate (PG) students in different disciplines of agriculture and allied sciences. Every year 475 and 202 students are awarded JRF and SRF for UG and PG studies, respectively
8 AgEdn - National Talent Scholarship PG ALMOJ Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash NTS PG is provided to PG students of Agricultural Universities based upon certain criteria.
9 AS_NDRI_Institute Scholarship For MSc And PhD AMVTA Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash A student of MSc and PhD programme who is not receiving financial assistance from any other source is eligible for Institutional Fellowship @ Rs. 7560/- PM and Rs. 13125/- PM respectively
10 FS - CIFE - Institutional Fellowship ATUOB Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash The fellowship to the Masters and Doctoral students is being met from Non-Plan funds of ICAR - Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai.
11 CS- IARI Scholarship AYTEW Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash The scholarship is awarded to all the M.Sc. and Ph.D. students admitted at IARI, New Delhi excluding ICAR-JRF and SRF awardee
12 AgEdn - ICAR National Professor And National Fellow AXDCI Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash
13 AgEdn - IASRI scholarship for MSc and PhD A8A18 Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash Institutional scholarship given to MSc and PhD students
14 AgEdn - India-Africa Fellowship AR4YI Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash Fellowship @ Rs.15,000/ and Rs 18,000/month and Annual Contingency @` 6000/- and Rs.10,000/ for PG and Ph.D fellows respectively and Institute fee @ USD 4000/ candidate/annum
15 AS_IVRI_Institute Scholarship for M.V.Sc. And Ph.D. A73NS Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash Institute scholarship for students of M.V.Sc. degree and Ph.D. degreee programme.
16 AgEdn - Netaji Subhas ICAR International Fellowship A5IPK Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash The NS-ICAR International Fellowships were introduced in 2009-10 for Ph.D. programme at Agricultural universities (AUs) and Overseas Universities both for Overseas and Indian candidates, respectively.
17 AgEdn - India-Afghanistan Fellowship AQ20K Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash India-Afghanistan fellowship for M.Sc. and Ph.D. @ Rs. 12000/- P.M and Rs. 15000/- P.M. respectively
18 AgEdn - Student READY AL11P Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash Student READY (Rural Entrepreneurship Awareness Development Yojana), a new program introduced from 2016-17 for providing opportunities to acquire hands-on-experience and entrepreneurial skills among the agricultural graduates. The programme aims to provide rural entrepreneurship awareness, practical experience in real-life situation in rural agriculture and creating awareness in undergraduate students about practical agriculture and allied sciences. The programme will help in building confidence, skill and acquire Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) of the locality and thereby, preparing the pass-out for self-employment.
19 AgEdn - National Talent Scholarship UG AN084 Department of Agricultural Research and Education Central Sector Scheme Central Cash Merit based support through National Talent Scholarship to the Under-graduates and Post graduate students seeking admission in Agricultural Universities in a State other than the State of their domicile, through ICAR All India Entrance Examination (AIEE).